Most Important Post: What's Ahead For America and the World in 2025?
No Need to Fear WW3... For Now
Donald Trump: Imperfect Human but Chosen by God For This Hour
Trump’s Moral Issue That Christians have Remained Silent About
How Pro-Life Conservatives can win the culture war against Abortion
Someday Democrats will Persecute Bible Believing Christians.
Panic Buying: How Fear Makes a Crisis Worse
Why America Must Continually Support Israel
A Post-Christian Nation is the Most Dangerous Regime for the World
Reversing America's Moral Decline With the Reintroduction of God's Word
Reviewing John Paul Jackson's 2008 Perfect Storm Prophecy
Smartphone Addiction is Prison
This Book Convinced Me God Is Not Finished With America
How Socialist Marxists Have Been Waging a Soft War in America
The Right Side of the Civil War Part 3: Abraham Lincoln's Confirmation from God
The Right Side of the Civil War Part 2
The Right Side of the Civil War Part 1: Christians vs Christians.
God is the Ultimate Decider of Victory or Defeat for His People
Victory Comes to Those on The Right Side of History Part 2
Victory Comes to Those on The Right Side of History Part 1